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What is equipoise used for ?

Equipoise, often known simply as EQ, is a testosterone-based anabolic steroid with a reduced androgenic nature compared to standard testosterone.

Although EQ (or Boldenone) does not give us the mass-building power that testosterone can provide, it does offer a number of advantages overtestosterone alone in terms of both performance and a notable reduction in side effects.
This can make
one of the most attractive steroids for beginners who are not ready to deal with serious estrogenic side effects, while advanced users can use Equipoise in combination with other steroids at the same time to achieve very specific results.

Author’s Note: The following guide is based on my personal experience and does NOT promote the illegal use of steroids (PEDs).

What is balance?
Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) is an anabolic steroid based on the testosterone hormone with only minor changes in the chemical structure, which, however, makes it unique in its own way.
The ester undecylenate contained is a slow-release ester that allows Equipoise to continue to be released into the body for up to three weeks after injection. It also takes several days to reach peak blood levels after the boldenone injection.

EQ is one of the few steroids used exclusively for veterinary purposes. The “equi” part of the name indicates that this product is intended for use on horses.

But like many steroids, Equipoise’s effects appeal to bodybuilders, and it’sno surprise that EQ shares many similarities with testosterone; After all, it is just a slightly modified version of this original hormone.

These similar functions include increasing protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in muscles, as well as increasing the number of red blood cells. EQ can also increase production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and reduce stress hormones.

Equipoise has an anabolic/androgenic ratio of 100:50, compared to testosterone, which even has a ratio of 100:100.

Most steroid users are familiar with the legendary compound Dianabol, with which EQ has a virtually identical chemical structure, but with a slight modification each of them can have a completely different effect on the body.This allows these very similar but completely different steroids to be used together in a cycle with great benefit.

Advantages of the equipment
We can almost think of EQ as a milder version of testosterone. It is ultimately testosterone based, but has a reduced anabolic effect. This still makes it a very useful steroid to add to your stack and a more versatile steroid than traditional testosterone as it is not just about huge muscle and strength gains.

Here are the key benefits and effects you can expect from using Equipoise:

Moderate weight gain
Although EQ itself is not a very strong muscle builder compared to other steroids such as testosterone, it can still help you make gains and these are cleaner than what you can achieve with other steroids due to the reduced estrogenic effects of boldenone, which leads to less water. Retention.

Increased appetite
One possible effect of EI is an increase in appetite, but it is known that this effect is perceived differently by different people.Some people will notice an increase in appetite while others will notice no change. This can be useful for people who use it during a bulking cycle, such as when bulkingoccurs off-season. If you use Equipoise for cutting, increased appetite may be considered a disadvantage if you are trying to follow a low-calorie diet during this time.

Increased strength and endurance
While EQ, again, is not the strongest strength building steroid available, it can still produce moderate and desirable strength gains, making it attractive to a wide range of athletes. Endurance is also improved, which helps anyone train for any purpose.Expect better recovery times when using EQ.
In summary, although these performance benefits are not all that noticeable when Equipoise is combined with much more potent steroids, they still contribute to the overall effects of each steroid cycle performed.

gains achieved with EQ are slower and more stable than with other steroids, so it can be a good addition to a bulking stack when not used as a primary bulking supplement.

muscle mass preserved Perhaps the most popular aspect of EQ is its ability to help maintain lean body fat during a cutting cycle. Additionally, Equipoise can help improve the body’s conditioning during cutting, which is improved when this steroid is used in conjunction with other steroids that do not aromatize, with compounds such as Masteron making a particularly effective combination with Equipoise when cutting.

Compensatory dosage
Equipoise is a steroid that provides no benefit when taken in high doses.Users of all experience levels should therefore maintain a similar dosageand keep in mind that the higher the dose, the greater the estrogenic effect.

Moderate doses of EQ provide manageable estrogen-related effects, with effective doses for men ranging from 200 mg to 600 mg.
EQ for beginners, intermediate and advanced users
Although beginners can start with a low dose of as little as 200 mg per week, to truly experience the benefits of EQ you should probably administer at least 400 mg per week, even as a beginner to this steroid. Side effects caused directly by EQ and not by other steroids in the cycle are easily controlled at this dose while still providing positive benefits.

More advanced users can easily increase the dose to 600 mg per week, although this carries a higher risk of estrogenic effects.While higher doses may be an option, they also result in significantly greater taste activity, with little to no positive benefits. Therefore, the optimal weekly dose of Equipoise, regardless of experience level, is between 400 mg and 600 mg.

Proper equalizer management and synchronization
Since it is a long and slow acting steroid, it must be used for an appropriate period of time to achieve maximum benefit. The minimum possibleduration for including EQ in a cycle is 8 weeks. Depending on your goals, up to 12 weeks of Equipoise is considered safe and effective.

Due to its long-lasting properties, EQ works well when injected just once a week. However, some people still want to split the dose, if only to reduce the volume injected each time.If you inject twice a week, the injections should be spaced evenly so that the level of the drug in your blood remainsconstant throughout treatment.

EQ dosage for women
Women can use Equipoise with good results and fewer serious side effects than many other steroids, partly due to EQ’s weaker androgenic effects.However, this only happens at lower doses, and as with all steroids, side effects can worsen as the dose increases.

The weekly dose of 50 mg for women is considered effective for most women taking steroids and has a low risk of virilization. Although some women may be happy with a higher dose, this should never be increased without first clarifying how Equipoise should be treated individually, as side effects can be very individual.

A maximum cycle length of 6 weeks is optimal for women, providing a balance between benefits and minimizing or avoiding side effects that are more likely to occur with long-term use.

balancing cycles
EQ is a steroid that has more than just one way to use it in a cycle. While itis a versatile steroid in terms of its properties and effects, it is also versatile in how you incorporate it into your cycle.

It can be used for many purposes, but one of the most common is usingboldenone in a cutting cycle. In these cases it is better to use it at the beginning of the cycle while using other steroids, especially those that donot aromatize at all – they are then continued for a longer period of time. Masteron or Trenbolone are popular stacking options when using EQ for cutting. Below are some sample cycles that cover different levels of experience with steroids.

cycle for beginners
Most beginners will consider adding testosterone to a stack with EQ just to counteract the suppressive effects of boldenone. But testosterone will also contribute to weight gain, provided the beginner can sufficiently control the estrogenic side effects that occur at this dose.

The slow action of EQ requires this cycle to last longer than many other beginner cycles, with a minimum of 12 weeks being suitable, but a 14 week cycle can also be considered.

The use of Testosterone Enanthate at a dose of 300 mg to 500 mg per week and Equipoise at a dose of 400 mg per week provides excellent results in terms of increasing and decreasing lean body mass, provided that the diet and exercise program are appropriate be trained appropriately.

This cycle offers every beginner an excellent and safe introduction to theworld of anabolic steroids.

Interim balancing cycle
Most advanced users will be satisfied with other anabolic steroids and in this case we can include the powerful Dianabol in the cycle with Equipoise and Testosterone.

Dianabol plays an important role in this cycle and begins to gain weight within the first four weeks. Dianabol is then stopped while Equipoise and Testosterone are continued for the remaining 8 weeks, making a total cycle of 12 weeks.

While Dianabol begins to work quickly at the start of the cycle, EQ takes much longer to work due to its slower action. This means that the beginning of the cycle is not spent waiting for profits.Dianabol, as an oral anabolic steroid, should only be taken at a dose of 25 mg per day for 4 weeks to achieve excellent results.

Throughout the 12 weeks, Equipoise at a dose of 500 mg to 600 mg perweek in combination with 100 mg per week of Testosterone Enanthate to provide baseline testosterone levels produces excellent results.

Advanced Balance Cycle
avid steroid users will consider adding a non-aromatizing steroid to their cycle. In this case, Trenbolone combined with Equipoise and Testosterone is a good option. The versatility of this cycle makes it perfect for almost any goal, from gaining lean mass to bulking up to losing weight.

Trenbolone is a very powerful steroid that significantly increases strength and muscle recovery.When you use this cycle for cutting, Equipoise promotes muscle maintenance while Testosterone meets your testosterone needs during the maintenance dose cycle.

This 12 week cycle may include Testosterone Enanthate at a minimum dose of 100 mg per week to provide baseline testosterone levels, up to 600 mg Equipoise per week and 400 mg Trenbolone Enanthate per week.

The big advantage of this cycle is the small amount of estrogenic effects that would be expected when Trenbolone does not aromatize, testosterone causes little problem at a very low dose, and Equipoise has little aromatizing activity.

stacking game
EQ combines very well with a number of other steroids. Because it is a compound that you do not use alone, it is almost always combined with at least one other steroid.

Here is one of my favorite EQ loops:

Weeks 1 to 5 – 40 to 50 mg/day Dbol
Weeks 1-2 – 800 mg/week EQ (divided into doses Monday/Wednesday/Friday)
Weeks 3-12 – 400 mg/week EQ (always divided into 3 injections/week),400-500 mg/week testosterone enanthate injected once per week
weeks 1 to 14 – 0.5 mg/e3 days Arimidex (Arimidex PCT)


Weeks 13-14 – 2,500 IU/week HCG divided into 2 injections of 1,250 IU(Monday/Thursday) for 2 weeks
Weeks 15-17 – 100 mg/day Clomid on days 1-10, then reduce to 50 mg/day on days 11-20
At least one testosterone steroid should be added to an EQ cycle because its suppressive properties, while relatively mild, are still present. Therefore, a source of testosterone should be provided for the duration of the cycle.

When used in a cutting cycle, it is best to combine EQ with other steroids that do not aromatize. Although Boldenone has a slight aromatizing effect compared to many other steroids, it still exists, and those undergoing a serious cutting cycle do not want to experience aromatization and associated estrogenic effects, especially late in the cutting cycle.
In these cases, EQ combines well with steroids such as Masteron, but Equipoise should be discontinued a few weeks before the end of the entire cycle to eliminate any estrogenic effects before the end of the cycle. Common options to combine with Equipoise include Dianabol, which can provide a rapid increase in mass gain, power and strength at the start of a cycle.

Another common choice is Trenbolone, a nandrolone-based steroid that is well suited for use with Equipoise as it is not a highly effective mass gainer and is also not a flavoring agent, making it excellent for strengtheningmuscles in cutting cycles.

equipment results
Equipoise is known to be a very versatile steroid that can be used for manypurposes. It is not a bulking steroid, so its best use is not as a primary bulking agent.

can still produce nice, clean mass gains and gains that come with fewer of the problems associated with more estrogenic steroids, such as: B. Water retention.

But EQ has many other benefits, including increased strength, increased appetite (although the effects vary greatly from person to person), and, perhaps most importantly, Equipoise’s ability to maintain muscle mass during exercise. You eat a low-calorie diet and muscle loss is a real problem when your body goes into a catabolic state. The ability to maintain muscle balance is of great value, making it a popular addition to a cutting cycle for this specific purpose of the

Although its mild estrogenic activity can be controlled relatively easily at moderate doses, any water retention is undesirable when trying to reduce it, which is why EQ often stops a few weeks before the end of the cycle and the cycle continues with compounds that do not Case is have aromaticeffect. Therefore, there is no fluid accumulation for maximum muscle hardness.
Side effects
The slight modification of the testosterone hormone that EQ created has enormous benefits, especially when you take into account side effects suchas Equipoise, which is less estrogenic and less androgenic than regular testosterone.

has only about half the aromatizing power of testosterone, which can significantly reduce estrogen-related EQ side effects compared totraditional testosterone steroids. However, estrogen-related side effects can still occur, which are familiar to most steroid users.

estrogenic side effects
Possible estrogenic side effects include gynecomastia and fluid retention, as well as hypertension if fluid retention becomes too severe.Regular measures to control these side effects with AI or SERM medications work well for the vast majority of men, and only at higher doses of EQ can an increase in estrogenic effects occur.
Using other more potent aromatizing steroids with EQ in Cycle
requires a more stringent approach to controlling estrogenic side effects as Boldenone itself is quite moderate in this range.

androgenic side effects
Androgenic side effects are another area that steroid users are familiar with, and again, EQ is relatively mild in this regard compared to many other anabolic steroids. However, people with a genetic predisposition to problems such as acne or male pattern baldness may notice some activity in these areas.

The risk of these side effects occurring or being more serious is lower than with other steroids that are much more androgenic than boldenone. However, it is important to note that EQ can cause androgenic effects in some users. Androgenic effects are a more serious problem for women taking Equipoise, and virilization is a real possibility, especially when taking higher doses.

cholesterol Cholesterol
is another area to watch out for when using boldenone, but again it has much less severe effects than many other steroids. EQ can cause a drop in HDL levels when used, but only people with existing cholesterol problemscould potentially consider this a problem; For most healthy people, this is unlikely to cause problems.

Combining EQ with other steroids that negatively impact cholesterol levels requires a more proactive approach to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels throughout the cycle, both through diet and by incorporating cardiovascular activities.

testosterone suppression Testosterone suppression by
is safe when using EQ and although it is not as suppressive as many other steroids, it still results in a reduction in normal testosterone function. For this reason, most men choose to include a testosterone steroid in their cycle to maintain T levels throughout the cycle. Because of this suppression, post-cycle therapy is required after completing a boldenone cycle.

Liver toxicity
Liver toxicity is not a problem with Equipoise, but should still be consideredwhen combining this steroid with other hepatotoxic compounds.

women and EQ
As for women using EQ, this is a steroid that can be used by many womenand has a lower risk of serious side effects than many other steroids.However, dosage is an important factor and women should maintain a lower dose to minimize severity. Side effects.

Given the slow onset of EQ effects, once symptoms appear, they may take some time to subside, even if the steroid is discontinued. Therefore, it isimportant to start with a very low dose for new users.

Therapy after the compensation cycle
Because EQ suppresses natural testosterone production, post-cycle therapy is required to restore normal testosterone function.

There are many more powerful suppressive steroids than this, but since most users also combine EQ with other steroids with their own suppressive effects, PCT becomes even more important in preventing them from falling into a low testosterone state, which can lead to serious side effects to fatloss causes gain and growth, loss of energy and mood, loss of libido and general deterioration in health.

EQ is durable. So if you use it until the end of your cycle, PCT needs to startaround 2 weeks after your last injection. If you only use EQ for the first few weeks of the cycle and then continue to use other compounds, the timing of PCT initiation will depend entirely on these specific characteristics of the steroids, with ester steroids with shorter or longer durations of action being small due to their size start the PCT much earlier.

When completing a cycle with Equipoise, it is often ideal to begin taking hCG shortly before the start of PCT, approximately ten days after the last EQ injection.This is followed by your usual SERM plan, including Clomid or Nolvadex.

Hardware FAQ Is it possible to use
Equipoise alone?
Any steroid can be used alone, but when it comes to a steroid with aromatizing properties like Equipoise, using it alone will almost certainly result in low testosterone levels.

Despite the fact that EQ has a relatively mild testosterone-suppressing effect compared to some stronger steroids, there is still a high risk of using it without adding exogenous testosterone to the cycle.

Therefore, anyone wishing to use Equipoise, regardless of experience level, should combine it with at least one testosterone steroid and not use it alone.

How long does it take for the EQ to start?
Equipoise reaches maximum concentration in the blood within three to four days after injection. This is because this steroid has a very long half-life and a slow-release ester that takes about three weeks to fully release the hormone in the body.

This means that you need to use EQ for at least 8 weeks to get the maximum effect as it takes a while for it to really work. Better yet, a 10 or 12 week EQ cycle allows you to get the most out of what this steroid can offer.

What is a good equipoise battery?
EQ is a steroid that combines particularly well with almost all other anabolic steroids. It can be used for bulking or cutting, where it is ideal for maintaining muscle mass. You can then combine Boldenone with other steroids tailored to your specific goals, be it losing weight, gaining mass or improving performance.

A typical stack consists of using testosterone with trenbolone and EQ.Winstrol is another cutting steroid that stacks well with EQ. For mass gaining cycles, stacking EQ with Anadrol or Sustanon is an effective strategy for great results. Dianabol, Testosterone and Equipoise is another highly regarded stack with proven results.

Does EQ cause hair loss?
Boldenone comes with a much lower rate of androgenic activity compared with the hormone it is derived from: testosterone.This means that the risk of androgenic side effects is reduced, however some Equipoise users may still experience androgenic effects such as hair loss.

This particular side effect, also known as male pattern baldness, is largely genetic. Some men are genetically predisposed to go bald later in life, and steroids like EQ can cause baldness earlier. But people without a genetic predisposition to hair loss will almost certainly not experience this particular side effect when using Equipoise or any other anabolic steroid.

What side effects does Equipoise have?Compared to more powerfulsteroids,
EQ has a relatively low risk of side effects. This means that it is well tolerated by most men, but also by women in small doses. The higher theEQ dose, the higher the risk of side effects and the more serious they can be. This is a rule that applies to all anabolic steroids.

Possible side effects of Equipoise include mild estrogenic effects such as fluid retention and gynecomastia, possible androgenic effects such as acne and hair loss, moderate to mild suppression of natural testosterone, and possible negative changes in cholesterol levels.It is believed that all these side effects can be managed relatively easily by using the concealer.

Is EQ suitable for cutting?
This is a great steroid to include in a cutting cycle, especially early in the cycle. Many users then choose to stop using Equipoise for the remaining weeks of the cutting cycle and continue taking non-aromatic steroids to eliminate any fluid buildup. Balance is particularly effective in maintaining lean muscle tissue, which is why it is so popular for cutting purposes.

However, one disadvantage of using equipoise for cutting is that it can increase appetite, although this is only the case in some people.Therefore,an inexperienced EQ user must estimate the effects on appetite.
Of course, you don’t want appetite to increase sharply during a diet cycle, and if that is the case, you need to weigh the pros and cons of using this particular steroid during a diet cycle. Since it is often only used at the beginning of the cutting cycle, an increase in appetite may not have a particularly negative impact on the final results.
Equipoise illegal in the United States?
Like all anabolic steroids, Equipoise is not legal to purchase or use in the United States and most other countries.It is also banned by all sports anti-doping authorities as a performance-enhancing drug.

Purchasing EQ online poses major legal and health risks as many inferiorcounterfeit products are sold under this name. Since Equipoise is a veterinary product, the veterinary version is the best and most desirable form, but it is not always easy to find.

If you find a legitimate Equipoise veterinary product, it is not the cheapest product and will probably cost $50+ for 10ml. Low-quality EQ on the black market can cost up to $30 per 10ml.
The detection time of
EQ after stopping use can be up to 5 months after the last injection. This makes this steroid less attractive to professional athletes or competitors who may be subject to drug testing, as steroids that cleanse the system much faster are preferred.

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    Equipoise(Boldenone Undecylenate)

    Equipoise (Boldenone) is mainly used in mass treatments as an alternative to Deca because the side effects and especially fluid retention and gynecomastia are less. In addition, it is popular among athletes because it improves the condition. In combination with Testosterone and Dianabol, Boldenone is a good beginner’s cure. Boldenone is a long-acting agent and can therefore best be combined with other long-acting agents. A unique side effect of Boldenone is that it causes extra hunger, which is an advantage during bulk storage. Boldenone in combination with a low dose of Testosterone is popular for increasing the condition. Boldenone looks like nandrolone in terms of its effects and results, but is safer because the risk of gynecomastia is smaller.


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